Sunday, December 19, 2010

Final Blog

 Looking back over this semester i realized i learned a lot.Before this class i didn't taking a liking or care to much about the supernatural. I didn't only learn from my teacher but also i learned a lot through my classmates. Through us blogging our essays and other work it gave you a chance to read other people's ideas. By doing that it helped me extent my knowledge of many topics. For example learning about different archetypes and especially my archetype the magician. I never believed in stuff like that before but now i believe it's some truth to it. Also this class expended my knowledge of the play " Macbeth" especially blog 3.2. You never really know how much a picture really means or what it's trying to say until you really look at it and thats what this blog made you do.Along with learning about different topics i also learned how to blog and i did my first slide show for this class.
  The work by Rianna fairies caught my attention blog 4.3 which was her final project. This caught my attention because her project was on the different archetypes on the movie and famous novel " Alice and the wonderland"!. I loved this project so much because i thought i was the only person who thought that all the characters in the story was symbolic to a bigger meanings. Also she related the story to everyday life which i thought was great.

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